
Contact us

The success of our work depends on the following factors:

  • Develop the basic idea of our foundation and represent it externally
  • Win people to support our projects financially
  • Provide time to implement the projects

We are therefore looking for people who are willing to help other people. This work should be fun and contribute to making other people happy and thus increasing their own satisfaction.

Take part, we look forward to your participation!

Please use the contact form to send us any inquiries, reviews, suggestions. We are very happy about each single contribution and will get back to you immediately.


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Subscribe to Newsletter

We want to make our work as transparent as possible. That is why we send out a newsletter 3-4 times a year.

We usually report about main topics of our projects. Be it field reports from visits on site, new topics or important general information about our work.

The newsletter is sent using a professional mailing tool (kajomi). You can unsubscribe from the mailing list at any time.

Enjoy reading and thank you for your interest!