Great progress in Nigeria

The Canteen

In January 2023, the completed school canteen was handed over to the school management of the Amuro/Mgbom school in a small celebration.

For a number of children who also have lessons in the afternoon, a small meal is prepared privately by some families at lunchtime and sold at school. Children who can afford it pay 250 naira, about 50 cents, for a simple meal without meat. So far, food has always been eaten outdoors. With the construction of the school canteen, the students now have the opportunity to eat while sitting. On average, 200-250 school children use this opportunity every day.

We would like to thank the “Friends of the Werner-von-Siemens-Gymnasium” in Munich for the great financial support through funded runs by the students of the school.

Total costs: about 15,000 Euros

Two toilet facilities

Also in January, the day finally came to ceremoniously hand over the two long-awaited toilet blocks to the “Primary and Secondary School” in Amuro/Mgbom. For teachers and students, this is an improvement that is hard to describe. After more than 20 years, there are sanitary facilities on the school premises again.

Ten toilets with washing facilities are available for both the primary and the secondary school. That may still not be enough for 1,700 students and 80 teachers, but it is a big step forward. The faeces and waste water are drained through pipes into appropriate pits and dissolved there.

After the renovation of the U-Block, the provision of drinking water on the school premises, the construction of the school canteen and the sanitary facilities, a first major milestone has been reached. However, there are still nine other buildings to be renovated. When and how we will proceed with the renovation will be clarified by the end of the year. The big water project is still pending, as well as the daily care of needy families and emergency medical aid.

Total costs for the construction of the sanitary facilities: around 30,000 Euros.

“puRE water for Life”

Our major water project is also largely going according to plan. We expect to have completed all construction activities by the end of March and then go into the test phase for around four weeks. The start of production will therefore most likely be in May. What has happened so far?

  • A bottling hall with several rooms was built. The building has yet to be painted.
  • A security wall was built around the property.
  • 64 modules of a photovoltaic system were installed, as well as the associated control technology and 24 batteries.
  • A small photovoltaic system with ten modules and a solar pump was set up.
  • Water tanks with 15,000 liters were set up.

The next three months will be very work-intensive and exciting. Hopefully we can report the successful start of production in the next blog.

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